Thursday, September 15, 2005

Dawn of the Dead...Cat fuel.

I feel a rant coming on. Probably my cold... But:

Every day convinces me more and more that the world is on crack. For instance, some guy in Germany is now making bio-diesel fuel from dead cats . While I aplaud the resourcefulness of this guy in using home-brew bio-diesel for his car, I can't help but feel there is a better solution to high-gas pump woes. At least he's trying to reduce his footprint, however untasteful it may be (unlike people who drive these monstrosities). But then, I'm a bit of a "crank" when it comes to transportation. If you HAVE to drive a car (which I'm not at all convinced that we all need to), surely there are better ways of creating bio-diesel. For instance, how about using waste grease from Ye-Ol'-Fast-Food-Chain. Or do like Willie Nelson and grow it. And what will happen to this German guy's ability to make fuel if people actually took responsibility for their pets and had them properly spayed or neutered, and restricted their outdoor wanderings the way they should be? Why, he'll need to find some other source of animal grease. You can see where this is leading can't you...

Edit: But then, what's the difference between using animal parts for fuel, and using them for art (from the always interesting BoingBoing).