Sunday, September 17, 2006

Test Successful!

Flowers from our Garden
Originally uploaded by Mark Rutley.
So. It's been a while. Never was very good at that whole "persistence" thing. I've got about 15 stories - great ideas all - 3/4 finished.

Now however, I've got a new trick up my sleave. I can send photos from my new nokia, via bluetooth to my Tapwave Zodiac, edit an email in Snappermail, attach the photo, send the email back out through the Nokia to flickr, and on to my blog. Complete with text. I agree, it's a rather cumbersome method, especially considering the somewhat ubiquitousness of computers and wifi hotspots in Canada. But I've recently suffered through the demise (AGAIN!) of my so-called "hardened" tablet PC (a Hammerhead XRT) and so am resorting to the much more durable, and eminantly more portable, Zod/Phone combination.

Plus with my data plan from Fido, no matter where I am in the world (and I do travel a fair bit) I can continue to post either text or photos to this blog as I see fit.

So, the inaugaral post - some beautiful flowers from the garden of my wife and a enduring wish for increased patience on behalf of civilizations everywhere.



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